Sunday, July 12, 2009


Name of river: Nile River
Source of the picture: Wikipedia

The length of the river is 6,650km and the Mouth location is to Mediterranean Sea and it passes through city of Cairo.

Uses of the Nile River
Used to transport goods along its long path.
Since winter winds in this area blow up river,
the sail, and down using the flow of the river.

The river is able to produce extremely fertile soil. The soil made it easy for cities and civilizations to spring up alongside the banks of the Nile.

Problems of the Nile River

Experienced annual floods.

The floods began millions of years before Egyptian civilization began in the Nile River valley and continued till they build the dam.

Poor drainage has led to saturation and increased salinity. Over one half of Egypt's farmland in now rated medium to poor soils.

Source of the information:

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